The Lab Book is available online for free use by faculty and students. It may be printed, copied and distributed with no limitations.
Recommended Equipment and Supplies
Although, we have made an effort to keep the exercises generic enough to enable the Lab book to support the use of a wide variety of equipment.
Recommended virtual-instrumentation alternative to desktop equipment: NI ELVIS II+ Laboratory Platform
- NI ELVIS Tips and Tricks document
- NI ELVIS virtual instrumentation video demonstration
- NOTE – If you short the 5V power supply on the ELVIS (either momentarily by touching wires or leads by mistake, or because your circuit is wired wrong), an internal circuit breaker will activate to disconnect the 5V power supply (with the 5V indicator LED turning off). If this happens, just find and remove the short and then cycle the power on the ELVIS unit.
Recommended Student Kit (containing most of the electrical components used in the Labs)
Labs, Video Demonstrations, Selected Results
- Lab 1 – Resistor Codes, Breadboard, and Basic Measurements (pages to submit)
- resistors
- breadboard construction
- breadboard advice
- NI ELVIS virtual instrumentation:
- traditional desktop instrumentation:
- Lab 2 – Instrument Familiarization and Basic Electrical Relations (pages to submit)
- connectors (BNC, banana, alligator clips)
- NI ELVIS virtual instrumentation:
- traditional desktop instrumentation:
- Lab 3 – The Oscilloscope (pages to submit)
- Lab 4 – Bandwidth, Filters, and Diodes (pages to submit)
- Lab 5 – Transistors and Photoelectric Circuits (pages to submit)
- Lab 6 – Operational Amplifier Circuits (pages to submit)
- Lab 7 – Digital Circuits – Logic and Latching (pages to submit) and Lab 8 – Digital Circuits – Counter and LED Display (pages to submit)
- Lab 9 – Programming a PIC Microcontroller – Part I (pages to submit), Lab 10 – Programming a PIC Microcontroller – Part II (pages to submit), and Lab 11 – Pulse-Width-Modulation Motor Speed Control with a PIC (pages to submit)
- Lab 12 – Analog to Digital Conversion (Data Acquisition) (pages to submit)
- Lab 13 – Strain Gages (pages to submit)
- Lab 14 – Vibration Measurement with an Accelerometer (pages to submit)
- bearing signature analysis experiment
- sample bearing signature analysis results: good bearing and bad bearing (PDF files)
- machine diagnostics to detect bearing wear and unbalance (PDF file)
- Lab 15 – Micrcontroller-based Design Project