The files below perform calculations for various analysis and design examples in the book.
Chapter 2 – Electric Circuits and Components
- 2.1 – AC circuit analysis (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
Chapter 4 – System Response
- 4.1 – Fourier series representation of a square wave (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab – square_wave.m, square_wave_amp.m, square_wave_func.m, square_wave_harmonic.m, square_wave_series.m)
- 4.2 – low-pass filter (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
- 4.3 – amplitude distortion (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
- 4.4 – phase distortion (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
- 4.5 – second order system frequency response (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
- 4.6 – suspension design (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
- 4.7 – first order system frequency response (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
Chapter 8 – Data Acquisition
- 8.1 – sampling theorem, aliasing, beat frequency (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab)
- 8.2 – Recovering a signal from sampled data using the sinc reconstruction filter (PDF, Matchcad Prime, Matlab – sinc_reconstruction_filter_example.m, sinc_reconstruct.m)
Chapter 9 – Sensors
- 9.1 – thermocouple calculations (PDF, Mathcad Prime, pre-Prime Mathcad, Matlab – thermo.m, thermo_temp.m)
Examples For Converting Between Mathcad and Matlab
- Mathcad file containing examples of many common engineering analysis solutions
- Matlab:
- Live Script version: live script (PDF file)
- old-school Script version:
- functions used: my_confun.m, my_non_linear_equations.m, my_objfun.m, my_piece_wise.m, my_program.m, my_quadratic.m, my_root_func.m
A heavily-discounted student version of MathCad is available for purchase here.